Staff Training


The LiveO2 trainer will help your staff to be successful training others.  Our goal is to enable your staff to help others to use LiveO2 successfully. Each unit provides approximately 8 hours of staff training. 

This is a hands-on experience. The goal is to help up to 3 of your staff be successful creating good experiences for new users. The video with Clive de Carle explains why training is essential for a staff to be successful with LiveO2.

Goal 1 - Trainers learn to setup a user for training:

  1. Creating reasonable expectations
    • How should you feel
    • How hard you push
    • A little more each time
    • Easy first time works well
    • Build on previous progress
  2. Using a mask
    • Putting the mask on
    • Testing air-flow for inhale & exhale
    • Fixing problem with air flow on inhale & exhale
    • Sample high oxygen
    • Sample low oxygen
    • Switching as needed
  3. Get comfortable on exercise equipment
    • Correct body position & adjustment
    • Cruise pace vs sprinting
    • Using Hyperoxia vs Hypoxia before/during/after sprints
  4. Add a little bit each time each session
  5. Helping users understand what to expect
    • Understanding Detox
    • Observing strength/endurance gain
    • Go easy until the user develops confidence
    • Practice being a new user & practice working with new users

Goal 2 - Trainers learn to guide a user through a successful first experience:

  1. Prepare the user to tune in to their body
  2. Help the remember how to exercise their body - many have forgotten
  3. Prepare to user to explore LiveO2 at their own pace
  4. Help the trainer understand use of basic mechanisms
    • Exertion
    • Hypoxia
    • Hyperoxia
  5. Help the trainer practice using Hypoxia low-oxygen as a blood-flow control tool
    • Principle Hypoxia and blood flow
    • Sprinting and hypoxia
    • Opening a blood flow circuit
    • Pulsing oxygen during hypoxic challenge to blast oxygen
    • How to know when the job is done
    • Using hypoxia / hyperoxia to clear muscle soreness
  6. How fast should users progress
  7. Understanding some mysteries of Blood Oxygen Saturation
    • 99er pattern
    • Initial dipper pattern
    • Asymmetric left/right pulse oximetry
    • Predictive physiology of low-side blood saturation
  8. Knowing when pause the protocol to let the user's body catch up
  9. How to respond when someone did too much the first time
  10. Help your staff recognize when it is safe for users to do more
  11. Understand the training goals for health recovery users
  12. Understand the training goals of athletes
  13. Matching users to the correct goals and when to up the training agenda
  14. Helping the user tune into their body 

Goal 3 - Advancing progress:

  1. Basics of Brain O2 protocol
  2. Principles of Protocols
  3. Advanced Integrated Protocols
    • Skin-O2 (targets skin & hair)
    • Sex-O2 (targets pelvic floor)
  4. Helping exertion challenged users
    • Long Covid (how to go slow)
    • Fatigue Physiology
    • Fatigue Progress throttles
      • Cardiopulmonary Inflammation
      • Titration strategies to ramp autoimmune capacity
      • Overwhelming detoxification
      • Helping users understand their bodies
  5. Exertion timing and intensity of exertion
    • Role of supplements in protocols
    • Use of hypoxia -O2 accelerate detoxification
    • Use of hyperoxia between -O2 challenges to break through
    • Use of nutrients and binders to support detoxification
  6. Autoimmunity and detox
    • Evidence of an elevated immune response
    • The 24 hour 102 fever
    • How to estimate Detox with pulse rate elevation & duration
    • Source and nature of body odors during detox


  • Video or in person
  • Small group setting
  • Customized training experience
  • Flexible dates


  • LiveO2 Adaptive Contrast or Extreme System
  • Extreme O2 recommended for Brain O2
  • Extreme O2 recommended for advanced protocols
  • Functioning exercise equipment
  • *All training participants must be regular LiveO2 users

LiveO2 has developed a new training system that delivers on-demand custom live training.


  1. LiveO2 delivers an overwhelming amount of information. It's too much for most people to absorb and retain when delivered in a day, or even two;
  2. Students need living practice to become effective, first on themselves and then others;
  3. Logistics are a challenge. Most facilities have difficulty arranging all-at-once staff day of training. It's much easier to coordinate facility staff for an hour or two of live-video scheduled video than block out day or two for an entire staff;
  4. Facilities have ongoing training needs. Most facilities have new staff that need to catch up on the training they missed, and experienced staff often need to refresh their skills to stay current.
  5. Training is very broad. At present LiveO2 has developed over 20 different protocols, that address immunology, brain function, detoxification, athletic conditioning, and much more. There is just too much to learn at once, especially since LiveO2 opens a brand new realm of physiology.
  6. Real human training is required. Most students need a real teacher, not just a video recording to understand how to really help others.
  7. Human memory fades. This is why we built our video-recording system, so students can review their lessons and stay fresh with what they learned. In most facilities user success with LiveO2 degrades as trainers forget best practice.

Onsite training tries to cram too much into a one or two day experience. It's just too much in too little time. We engineered our live-video training process as a better solution.

LiveO2 Training Features:

  1. Scheduled Live training;
  2. Recorded lectures followed by recorded live teaching labs with your staff;
  3. Time gaps between lessons enable staff to practice integrate what they learn;
  4. Recordings enable review what they learned on-demand;
  5. Recordings are custom and private to your staff and hosted on your portal;
  6. Training is a subscription to keep your staff up to date.

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